What is your best clean joke?

Karis Valentine
Student, Homeschool

What does a nosey pepper do? It gets jalapeño business.

Cara Alexander Stark
Legislative Director, Polsinelli Co-Owner, Cork and Board

“Chess players think checkers players are dumb. But I love playing checkers. Plus the red ones are tasty.” Long live Norm MacDonald!

Kyle Bernskoetter
Pest Control Operator, Art’s Pest Control

What is the last thing to go through a bug’s mind as it hits your windshield? Its butt.

Sasha McCubbin, LMT
Owner, Rehab & Restorative Therapeutic Massage

What do you call a sad cup of coffee? Depresso.

Tasir Yanis
Owner, Yanis Coffee Zone

I don’t have any clean jokes. That’s the problem.

Dallas Robertson
Financial Advisor, Edward Jones

A person shows up for an interview and the interviewer hands them a laptop and says, “Sell it to me.” The interviewee promptly puts it under an arm, walks out of the building, and goes home. Eventually, the interviewer calls them up and yells at them to bring it back instantly. The interviewee replies, “$150 it’s yours.”

Claire Ready
Student, State Technical College of Missouri

What is a good song to listen to while fishing? Something catchy.

Brian Center
Physical Education, Health, & Service Learning Teacher, Jefferson City Academic Center

Why are basketball players messy eaters?They are always dribbling.

Brett Wieberg
June Young Ones To Watch

God said, “Come forthand receive eternal life.” John came in fifth and won a free toaster.

Justin Griffin
Director of Advancement & Executive Director of the Blue Tiger Athletics Club, Lincoln University

Which days are the strongest? Saturday and Sunday — the rest are weekdays.

Grace Hurt
Student, Harding University

Why do seagulls fly over the sea? If they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels

Next Question: What icebreaker do you use to strike up a conversation?

Send your answer, photo, and title to sally@jeffersoncitymag.com to be featured!