Enhance your relaxation and reduce stress through energy healing.
The new year promises a fresh start. Improving physical health tends to top the resolution list, but what about mental health? According to the American Psychiatric Association, almost half of all Americans suffer from stress and/or a lack of sleep. It’s a problem that Amanda Shortal, owner of Let’s Heal Together, is all too aware of.
“I was in the mental health field, and I knew there was a section of our health that we weren’t really addressing and treating,” Amanda says. “We have doctors who tell us our physical illnesses and heal us that way and therapists who can do talk therapy and help us that way. But, there’s also this big part that isn’t getting serviced for most people, and it’s our chakras.”
Amanda is working to change that by using holistic healing techniques. Through Reiki, reflexology, and chakra work, Amanda is helping people who suffer from conditions like anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, and more.
“You don’t have to go through a traumatic experience to benefit from this type of healing,” Amanda says. “It can work for busy people who just go, go, go and don’t realize how much they’re taking on until it hits them. It can work for people who think, ‘I wish I could relax; I wish I could meditate; I wish I could nap.’ Chakra work is a cognitive way to retrain yourself to relax.”
But what are chakras? The term comes from the Sanskrit word for “wheel” and represents the seven energy centers that run along the spine. The chakras are believed to interact with the body’s energy, influencing physical and emotional well-being. Whether they are referred to as energy centers, disks, or circles, the chakras appear in almost every culture.
When the chakras are in balance, energy flows freely; this helps people feel good and have clear, focused minds. When chakras are unbalanced, there are usually physical symptoms.
“You might feel tired or lethargic,” Amanda says. “Maybe you’re stressed or have anxiety for no reason. You’ll just feel that your body is off.”
Amanda uses her background in Reiki to detect chakras that are out of balance.
“I’m trained to feel the heat intuitively, so when there’s heat, it’s almost like an infection in the body,” Amanda says. “When there’s a blockage, it holds heat, and I’ll know that area needs attention.”
“For me, energy healing is a system, a modality to get you to relax.”
—Amanda Shortal, Owner of Let’s Heal Together
When chakras are healthy and in alignment, they spin like wheels or discs. When they’re unhealthy, the spinning can slow or even stop. Amanda uses bio mats, infra-red lights, and chromotherapy to promote healing.
“For me, energy healing is a system, a modality to get you to relax,” she says. “We walk around completely tense all the time. We’re ready. We stay ready; and if we think we’re relaxed, we’re actually not. Our bodies are trained to be tense.”
That tension can live in the seven chakras—the system that supports and connects people’s physical and emotional selves. To keep the seven chakras happy, people can participate in energy healing, meditation, acupuncture, yoga, or even Qigong (a traditional Chinese practice of breathing, meditation, and movement).
“When you have energy healing, your brain responds,” Amanda says. “You literally release dopamine. You will physically feel that release and relief.”
After a busy and sometimes stressful holiday season, energy healing could be the single greatest gift for self-improvement.
“I had someone describe it to me as the place where they can take their armor off,” Amanda says. “They don’t have to talk; they know they’re in a safe space, and they can unload some of the energy that’s not serving them, like intrusive, racing thoughts that keep them up at night. Let’s Heal Together is a place to relax and release.”
Understanding and supporting the chakras can bring people closer to living the life they truly want to lead, being healthier, happier, and more hopeful. 2025 can be just the year to start fostering a true mind, body, and spiritual connection.
The Seven Chakras
The first chakra is the root chakra. Located at the base of our spine, it relates to the sense of stability and grounding.
The second chakra is the sacral chakra, located in the lower abdomen. This chakra governs creativity, sexuality, and emotions.
The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra in the upper abdomen; it is linked to self-esteem and power.
The fourth chakra is the heart chakra at the center of the chest; it represents love and compassion.
The fifth chakra is the throat chakra; it relates to communication and self-expression
The sixth chakra is the third-eye chakra; it lies between the eyebrows and is associated with intuition
The seventh chakra is the crown chakra. Located at the top of the head; it connects to spiritual awareness.