The advantages
of planning ahead.

Today, more and more people recognize advantages of planning their funeral or memorial service in advance. Planning for the inevitable removes the emotional, as well as the financial, burden so family members won’t have to wonder, “Did we do the right thing?” Planning ahead allows individuals to control their own celebration, so it truly reflects who they are, and their data will be organized so their family doesn’t worry about locating vital information. Advanced preperation will also help avoid potential family disagreements and conflict by making these decisions so others won’t have to. 

People can start by asking themselves: Do I want cremation or burial? What type of service to I envision for myself? Will it have a religious tone? Where will it be held? What type of music and flowers? Do I want to be buried in the ground or in a mausoleum?

The cost of a funeral can vary depending on the types of services chosen, as well as the type of casket or urn selected. Don’t forget to factor in cemetery expenses for burial or inturment, as well as an outer burial container that may be required.

It is never too early to start gathering vital information. Having date of birth, SSN, will/trusts, and insurance information all in one spot will save surviving family members from a scavenger hunt. Include an updated resume and a list of favorite pastimes and hobbies.

36% Increase in average funeral cost in our region of the United States from 2006 and 2021.

According to statistics from the National Funeral Directors Association, in 1980 the national average cremation rate was approximately 10% and rose to over 60% by 2023. It is projected to exceed 80% by 2040.

While services can be paid for with life insurance after passing, many choose to prepay for their service, which can save money by locking into current pricing and avoiding inflation. Additional advantages of prepaying include avoiding income tax liability, potential qualification for Medicaid assistance, and coverage is portable.